What sizes do they fit?

One size fits most unless otherwise specified.

This GENERALLY fits sizes XS to XL.  Yes one garment does this by the way  its made and mostly the way its tied.


Do you make these yourself?

No, most of my items are hand made just not by me. I hand pick my manufacturers and most of them do handmake their items.


How did you come up with the name Summer Gypsy?

Well the definition of a Gypsy is this.

A gypsy is a member of a people originating in South Asia and traditionally having a wandering way of life, living widely scattered across Europe and North and South America and speaking a language (Romani) that is related to Hindi; a Romani person. Gypsy is also used as a description for a nomadic or "free-spirited" person, whose personality and lifestyle may be similar to historical gypsies.

This resonates with my soul especially because they wore bright colorful attire and rode in wagons just as colorful. I’m just a Gypsy selling my colorful clothes. The Summer came in because I’m a Michigan native and can only pop-up in the summer time.